Enrichment Support
Field Trip Information
October 30, 2015
5th Grade Enrichment Support students from HM and IKE will take part in a poetry master class presented by Tim Toy on Friday, November 13, 2015.
We are thrilled to share this Creative Writing experience with our students!
Accomplished poet, Tim Toy, will teach a poetry master class at Horace Mann on November 13, 2015 for Enrichment Support 5th Graders.
Mr. Toy’s poetry has been published in the Atlantic Monthly, Yale Medical Journal, and the Literary Review at Penn. He was invited to guest speak at poetry classes at Penn, Harvard, and Yale.
We will meet from 10:00-1:20. Students can pack tree nut free lunches or order from the cafeteria the day of the Field Trip.
Students will be reading, discussing, and writing poetry during this master class.
Thank you for your support of the Enrichment Support program!
-Mrs. Sorce and Mrs. Woods