Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Service Delivery Model Change

I have a new job! I am no longer an Enrichment Support teacher at Horace Mann and East Pike Elementary Schools. Instead, I am the Gifted Support teacher for all four elementary schools in the Indiana Area School District.

This change in title reflects a paradigm shift in how Gifted Support Services are provided at the elementary level. Rather than the Enrichment Support teacher providing the majority of gifted instruction in a pull-out program, now a team of talented teachers will collaborate to meet the instructional needs of gifted learners.

Last summer I began coursework that will culminate in me earning a Gifted Endorsement. The content of the courses I am taking informs the planning, development, and implementation of our new service delivery model. I will apply everything I learn in the field of Gifted Education to the work that I do with gifted learners, their parents, and the community of professional educators with whom I work.

I love my new role, the opportunities for collaboration that the new service delivery model provides, and I am passionate about the learning I am engaged in. Please stay tuned for more updates about how these incredible opportunities for growth and development take shape over the course of the year.

Elizabeth Woods, M.Ed.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Jane's Culminating Project inspired by her Guided Reading Book Beezus and Ramona

Jane read Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary with Mrs. Woods during Jane's one-on-one guided reading instruction during Enrichment Support. Inspired by Chapter 2, Beezus and Her Imagination, Mrs. Woods assigned Jane four drawings of imaginary creatures. Jane drew Blanaahana as well as several other creatures. 

Next, Mrs. Woods contacted Mrs. Sorce, who taught Enrichment Support for many years and is now retired and said, "I have some specially designed instruction with your name all over it!" Mrs. Sorce agreed to come and help bring Jane's Blanaahana to life. 

Enjoy these photographs documenting Jane's sewing her creature the Blanaahana with Mrs. Sorce. 
Mrs. Sorce and Jane discussing the sewing machine. 
Jane sewing her imaginary creature, the Blanaahna. 
Mrs. Source, Jane, and Blanaahna
Jane and Blanaahna

Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary

Chapter 2 Beezus and Her Imagination 

"Why Beezus!" she exclaimed. "This is a picture to be proud of!" 

"I didn't know whether a dragon should have lollipops down his back or not, but they were fun to paint, " said Beezus. 

"Of course he can have lollipops down his back. It's a splendid idea. After all, no one has ever seen a dragon, so no one knows how one should look." Miss Robbins turned to several of the mothers and said, with admiration in her voice, "Here's a girl with real imagination." 

Beezus smiled modestly at her toes while the mothers admired her picture. 

"We'll tack this in the very center of the wall for next week's classes to see," said Miss Robbins. 

"It was fun to paint," confided Beezus, her face flushed with pleasure. 

"Of course it was," said Miss Robbins, as she carefully placed the picture in the center of the wall. "Didn't I tell you you worked too hard at painting before?"

Beezus nodded. That was the wonderful thing about it, she thought, as she scrubbed out her muffin tins. Her dragon had been fun, while her flying horse had been work. And she had imagination. Maybe not as much as Romona, but real imagination just the same. "Here's a girl with real imagination," Miss Robinson had said. 

A girl with real imagination, a girl with real imagination, Beezus thought as she left the building and ran across the park to the said pile. "Come on, Ramona, it's time to go home," she called to her little sister, who was happily sprinkling sand on a sleeping dog. "And let's not forget Ralph!" Good old Ralph. 

Monday, May 7, 2018

Gianna's Submission for Global Student Voice Film Festival #GSVFF

Congratulations Rowan!!!

The specially designed instruction this young statisticians received as a part of the Enrichment Support program resulted in statewide accolades.  

Rowan, a fourth grader at Horace Mann Elementary School earned First Place in the state for the second year in a row for his statistical poster. 

This year his poster, "Mathony = Math + Harmony" took the top award out of 209 posters and will be sent on to the National Competition. 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

PI Day 2018

Ben Franklin and East Pike Enrichment Support students in First, Second, and Third Grades explored Pi yesterday. It was awesome to see these young people with scientific calculators in their hands multiplying using Pi!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Three, two, one

Filming for Enrichment Support Grades 3-5 shorts begins tomorrow!

Check out our professional lighting system! 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Who inspired who?

After meeting with Mrs. Long, Math Professor at IUP, and discussing a potential collaboration between IUP pre-service math middle school teachers and the students in Enrichment Support I decided to make a quick video to introduce the pre-service teachers to my students and to get their creative juices flowing for projects they might like to plan to teach my students.

See the video here:

Well, wonders never cease. I found myself inspired! I heard my students talking about what they would like to learn about and what they wonder about in the world of mathematics and their desire could not have been more crystal clear!


After hearing this message loud and clear, Mrs. Globun and I are planning a Pi Day for the K-4th Grade Enrichment Students.

I am sharing because this is an example of the cycle of instruction in Enrichment Support. The students themselves are a part of the team that develops our curriculum.

What students are curious about matters. 

When they share a request for knowledge it is honored!


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Reading My Favorite Books by Rielle

Reading my favorite books brings me to another world,
full of imagination and magic.

Reading my favorite books brings me to a world of color,
not gray nor black.

Reading my favorite books paints a picture in my mind of

beauty and war
peace and color
imagination and wonder

simple, yet complicated.

Reading my favorite books brings me where

I want to go most.

By Rielle


Color, beauty,
every color
you can
see it,
but you
can’t feel it.   

Pranav presents a piece of creative writing....


Mister Mustache is not evil.
Just kidding!

His teeth are for eating,

Not so evil,


Once there was a man with a mustache.
Once there was a man with a mustache.

I said that twice, right? Who cares! Carry on.

He was 100% evil.

He was 12 foot six and ten out of twelve stars.

Mister Mustache went to the grocery store to get some salami.
When he got home he burned up the salami with his eyes
then ate the salami with his sharp teeth. 

Mr. Mustache complained: I don’t have any water!
I don't have any, I don't know what am I going to do now.

Ohhhhhhhhhh, I am going to go to the grocery store.
I want to go to Walmart. I want to go to Walmart, right now!

Good, I'm back from Walmart so now I have to go to Egypt to see the Illuminati.


Run for your life...  

to the movie theatre!!!!!!

Mrs. Woods


Monday, January 29, 2018

Student Research Surveys Are LIVE!

Data is rolling in!

Data is rolling in! 

Data is rolling in! 

Data is rolling in! 

Data is rolling in! 

Data is rolling in! 

Data is rolling in! 

Data is rolling in! 

Data is rolling in! 

Data is rolling in! 

Data is rolling in! 

Data is rolling in! 

Data is rolling in! 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Mrs. Woods is having an Art Show!

Cunningham’s Caife
285 Philadelphia St, Indiana, PA 15701
Looking Forward
A Collection of Acrylic on Canvas by Elle Woods

You're invited to an evening of art,
coffee, and conversation
Friday, January 26th, 2018 from 4:00-5:00
at Cunningham’s Caife.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Chemical Reactions = Smiles, Happiness, and Hands-On Learning 

All about that base!

Chemistry at IUP with Dr. Jain

Griffin is loving the lab!

Angelo and Danny
neutralize an acid with a base!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Occupations of Interest Research and Conclusions

Researched and Written by Griffin 

It would take approximately 26 years to pay off a four-year degree for Aerospace Engineering earned at California Institute of Technology at the cost of $275,604.00, based on a median salary of $107,830 with a 10% annual payback rate of $10,783.00 a year.

It would take approximately 21 years to pay off a four-year degree for Electrical Engineering earned at Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the cost of $199,568.00, based on a median salary of $95,230.00 with a 10% annual payback rate of $9,523.00 a year.

It would take approximately 12 years to pay off a four-year degree for Optometry earned at UC Berkeley School of Optometry at the cost of $129,116.00, based on a median salary of $103,900.00 with a 10% annual payback rate of $10,390.00 a year.

It would take approximately 5 years to pay off a four-year degree for Law Enforcement/Police Officer earned at Sacramento State University at the cost of $27,600.00, based on a median salary of $60,270.00 with a 10% annual payback rate of $6,027.00 a year. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

This quote embodies my teaching philosophy and is the backbone of my work in Enrichment Support:

Field Trip to IUP Chemistry Lab

Indiana Area School District Enrichment Support students in grades K-3 will travel to 

Indiana University of Pennslyvania 

Thursday, January 18th, 2017

Dr. Jain, Chemistry Professor, 

will engage students in hands-on experiments at her lab in Walsh Hall. 

Image result for chemistry image

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Imagination - A Poem by Rielle


looking for inspiration
wandering in my imagination        
searching for anything

ideas perhaps

searching over oceans of knowledge
painting pictures of peace and beauty

in my mind

Service Delivery Model Change

I have a new job! I am no longer an Enrichment Support teacher at Horace Mann and East Pike Elementary Schools. Instead, I am the Gifte...