The Two Dogs
By Griffin
There once was a dog and another dog. One of the dog’s name was Spot. The other dog's name was Bouncer. Bouncer had so many toys he could not keep track of them. Spot, on the other hand, had only a couple toys.
Whenever Bouncer got a new toy he yipped with glee. Whenever Spot got a new toy he gave another one of his toys away to a needy dog.
“Bouncer, you should give one of your old toys away when you get a new one,” said Spot. But Bouncer did not listen. He just kept getting new toys.
All the animals kept saying he had to give some of his toys away. He did not listen.
“I have no where to put my toys!” Bouncer complained. “I can't even find my favorite bone and I have always been able to keep track of that!
Bouncer went to Spot’s house and asked, “What should I do?”
Spot said, “I warned you and now you have to give all your toys away!”
Do not be a hoarder, instead think of others and share what you have when you have a lot of stuff.
A good lesson for all.