Monday, January 30, 2017

The Shark And the Clownfish

by Griffin
Elkhorn Coral, Reef, Ocean, ...

There once was a shark that was always bragging that he was the strongest Fish in the ocean.

on the other side of the ocean, there lived a clownfish. The other  fish were always teasing him about being a clownFish.

“Look it's the clown,” they would say. The clown fish managed to Ignore that.

The shark may have been strong but he wasn't very smart. the clown fish was Very smart.

Once a fishing Hook and line went down into the ocean. instead of grabbing the hook like the other fish did, he grabbed the bait and swam away.  

Once the shark Saw some fish bait. he grabbed it, but he did not swim away. he started thrashing around like a overgrown piece of seaweed.

The clownfish, hearing the commotion went up to see what happened. Clownfish saw the shark caught in the net and shook his head. “You shouldn't have been so rude to the other fish and now you will have to deal with your fate.”

For every kindness there is a reward, for every Boast there is a consequence.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

“I am” Poem
By Rowan
I am energetic and active.
I wonder if people can make Pokemon robots that can actually use moves and attacks and be caught.
I hear a heater.
I see a computer.
I want to have more money, I have none.
I am energetic and active.

I pretend to be a Pokemon.
I feel  a table under my arms.
I touch my hands.
I worry about  being in the dark.
I cry when I am alone and in the dark.

I understand how to play Pokemon.
I say, “Pokemon is fun!”
I dream, mainly that I am a Pokemon trainer in the Pokemon world.
I try to do my best.
I hope that I will be able to make games with code.
I am energetic and active.

Griffin's Fables

The Two Dogs

By Griffin

Other resolutions: 320 × 180 ...

There once was a dog and another dog. One of the dog’s name was Spot. The other dog's name was Bouncer.  Bouncer had so many toys he could not keep track of them. Spot, on the other hand, had only a couple toys.

Whenever Bouncer got a new toy he yipped with glee. Whenever Spot got a new toy he gave another one of his toys away to a needy dog.

“Bouncer, you should give one of your old toys away when you get a new one,” said Spot. But Bouncer did not listen. He just kept getting new toys.

All the animals kept saying he had to give some of his toys away. He did not listen.

“I have no where to put my toys!” Bouncer complained. “I can't even find my favorite bone and I have always been able to keep track of that!

Bouncer went to Spot’s house and asked, “What should I do?”

Spot said,  “I warned you and now you have to give all  your toys away!”


Do not be a hoarder, instead think of others and share what you have when you have a lot of stuff.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Escape from Jakku

Escape from Jakku
By Rowan

When you are playing Escape from Jakku it is like you are actually inside the Millennium Falcon and shooting at the Tie First Order Fighters (Tie FO Fighters).  The feeling of being inside the Millennium Falcon is exciting.  During the first few times you play, the game is hard, however after every game it becomes easier.  

Escape from Jakku is a fun electronic game that requires batteries.  In the game, you set up and you try to knock off  three Tie FO Fighters using the Millennium Falcon.  The hard part is that you don't want the Tie Fighters to knock you off the game. There's a throttle that you you move forward and backward so that you don't get hit by Tie fighters.  The throttle is also used to knock off the Tie FO Fighters.

The goal of the game is to knock off all the Tie fighters without the Millennium Falcon being knocked off. You can replace the Millennium Falcon with other ships that will work in the game as well and there's a imperial one that will work, in case you want to play The Empire, which has a different goal.

There are two main settings the rebel and First Order. The First Order setting makes TIE fighter sounds, while the rebel setting makes Millennium Falcon sounds. You can make the rebel setting make X-Wing sounds by doing this: hold the red button down on the throttle and then put the setting on rebel without letting go of the red button and then when you press it it will make X-Wing sounds. To make different TIE fighter sounds you do the same thing except you put the setting to First Order.  

Escape from Jakku may seem complicated, but it is so thrilling it is worth figuring out how to play.  Plus, the game comes with instructions and every time you play it becomes easier.

Service Delivery Model Change

I have a new job! I am no longer an Enrichment Support teacher at Horace Mann and East Pike Elementary Schools. Instead, I am the Gifte...