This change in title reflects a paradigm shift in how Gifted Support Services are provided at the elementary level. Rather than the Enrichment Support teacher providing the majority of gifted instruction in a pull-out program, now a team of talented teachers will collaborate to meet the instructional needs of gifted learners.
Last summer I began coursework that will culminate in me earning a Gifted Endorsement. The content of the courses I am taking informs the planning, development, and implementation of our new service delivery model. I will apply everything I learn in the field of Gifted Education to the work that I do with gifted learners, their parents, and the community of professional educators with whom I work.
I love my new role, the opportunities for collaboration that the new service delivery model provides, and I am passionate about the learning I am engaged in. Please stay tuned for more updates about how these incredible opportunities for growth and development take shape over the course of the year.
Elizabeth Woods, M.Ed.