Friday, September 29, 2017

Comprehension Questions for Catwings by Ursula K. LeGui

Second Grade
Enrichment Support


The way you constructed your response to these questions in complete sentences and how you drew conclusions and cited evidence from the text is impressive.

We will continue to strengthen your skills throughout the year. We will focus on well-developed paragraphs and then multiple paragraph answers to text-based comprehension questions.

-Mrs. Woods
Comprehension Questions for Catwings by Ursula K. LeGuin
Chapter 1 Questions:
What is different about Roger, James, Harriet and Thelma?
-The different (difference) between  Roger, James, Harriet and Thelma to (and) other cats is that Roger, James, Harriet and Thelma have wings.
Why was Mrs. Tabby worried about her children?     
-Mrs. Tabby is worried about her children because “It really was a terrible neighborhood, and getting worse,”   Mrs. Tabby said. She was worried that the neighborhood was dangerous for her kittens.                                     

Why did the author include information about the dream Mrs. Tabby had before she had her kittens?
-The author said, “Maybe they have wings because I dreamed, before they were born, that they could fly away from this neighborhood.”
The author included information about Mrs. Tabby’s dream in which she dreamed her kittens could fly away from the neighborhood because Mrs. Tabby thinks her dream is the reason why her kittens have wings.  

What did Mrs. Tabby share as her reason for telling the cats to leave? Do you believe Mrs. Tabby when she explained to Roger, James, Harriet and Thelma why she wanted them to leave?
-Mrs. Tabby told the cats, “Children, I dreamed a dreamed a dream before you were born, and I see what it meant. This is not a good place to grow up in,and you have wings to fly from it.” I believe Mrs. Tabby when she explained to Roger, James, Harriet and Thelma why she wanted them to leave.

Reread page 15 and 16, then answer this question again. Pay particular attention to the quote, "My work is here. Mr. Tom Jones proposed to me last night, and I intend to accept him. I don't want you children underfoot!"

Chapter 2 Questions:
Pigeons are often used to carry messages.  They are called messenger pigeons.  So, why was it funny that James said that they were “passenger pigeons” to the pigeon flying by?
-I don’t get the joke, PIGEONS!
How do you imagine the young cats felt when they were striking out on their own?  How would you feel if you had to leave home tomorrow?
-I imagine that young cats felt worried because they don’t have any food, water or shelter.
If I had to leave home tomorrow I would feel worried because I don’t have any food, water or shelter.

Where did the cats fly to? Why was it so different for them?
-The cats flew to grass.They thought that it felt different because they have always felt cement.
You could explain the differences between living out in the country versus in the alley in the city a bit more for this response.
Chapter 3 Questions:
What happened to James? Why?
-James got attacked by an owl because the owl had owlets and she wanted to protect her owlets.  
Do you think that the owl was justified in doing what she did to James?
-The owl was justified in doing what she doing because she was protecting her babies.

What or who are “Hands” and “Shoes”?  What did they do?
-Hands and Shoes are a human's Hands and Shoes. The shoes chased James and hands picked Thelma up when she was a kitten.

Why does Harriet think this is a good kind of “Hands”?
-Harriet think this is a good kind “Hands” because the “Hands” didn't hurt her .

Do you think it is wise for Harriet to go back tomorrow?  Why or why not?
-I think that it is wise for Harriet to go back tomorrow because if the hands feed her, why not ?
Chapter 4 Questions:
What did Harriet find the next day on the big stump?
-Harriet found a  pie plate of meat scapes and kibbled cat food.

The next day Thelma and James came with Harriet and Roger.
How did Thelma feel about going?
-Thelma felt disapproving about going because the author said, “Thelma had a disapproving look on her face”.

How did James feel about going?
-James was sad about going I know this because the author said he was flying low and lame.

The next day, what happened after they were finished eating?
-The next day Thelma flew straight at the children to test them.
What did Hank and Susan decide to do with the cats?
-Hank and Susan decide to keep the cat in an old barn that only they go into.

What did the cats think of Hank and Susan?
-The cats think Hank and Susan are trustworthy because Hank and Susan promised the cats that they would never do anything to them that they didn't want to do.  

Do you think that Hank and Susan made a good decision about what to do with the cats?
-I think that Hank and Susan made a good decision about what to do with the cats because if they told a lot of people then the people would capture them. If they would of let them out in the wild then their are a lot of bad possibilities of what could happen.                                                                                                        
How will their decisions affect the cats?
-Their decision will affect the cats by making it easier for the cats to have food, water, shelter and a family.

How did the author start and end the story? Why did she do that?
-The author started the story be telling you that the cats have wings because the author wanted to “hook” you so you want to know why they have wings. The author ended the story by say. “The cats got a home,” because she wanted to make it a happy ending.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

How to find Good Fit books that match your reading level...

Lexile Search at

  1. Know your Lexile Level and Lexile Range
  2. This information can be located on your iReady reading assessment.  I will provide it for you. Your teacher has this information, as well.
  3. Enter your Lexile Level and/or Lexile Range. This search will result in a list of books that match your level perfectly.

IASD - Destiny Quest Search

  1. Select your school
  2. Select Catalogue
  3. Select Reading Program: choose Lexile and enter your Level and/or Range
  4. This will provide a list of books in the library that is on your exact level.
  5. You can also select Reading Program: Fountas and Pinnell, (F&P), your teacher will be able to share your F&P level once F&P testing is concluded.  

Before you choose a book on your Lexile or F&P level use the
I “Pick” Good Fit Books strategy!

P- Purpose: Why do I want to read this book?
I- Interest: Does it interest me?
C- Comprehension: Do I understand it?
K- Know: Do I know most of the words?

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

MI Theory - Third Grade Enrichment Support

Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence and Me

Written by Danny

File:Multiple-intelligence.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

They multiple intelligence area that I identified as the strongest my is mathematical-Logical.I like to solve difficult math problems. I was able to move up a grade in math because this is my greatest area of intelligence.

I would like to improve my Verbal-Linguistic intelligence because I want to be a lawyer when I grow up. I am good with negotiating so a lawyer would be perfect, but my multiple intelligences quiz said that Word Smart was my least strong intelligence! Weird, right!

If I was the president of a country, the most helpful multiple intelligences area would be Mathematical-Logical and Interpersonal because if you were Math Smart you could do large math problems more easily. If you were People Smart you would make all people happy!

A hundred years ago the multiple intelligence that would be most important would be naturalist because you couldn't go to the grocery store you would have to hunt! If you are good with nature person you know how to camouflage and if you're good at camouflage the animals can’t see you.

MI Theory - Third Grade Enrichment

Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence and Me

Written by Joshua

File:Multiple-intelligence.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

The multiple intelligence areas that I identified as my strongest are Naturalist (Nature Smart) and Intrapersonal (Self Smart).  Being Nature Smart has helped me when I go mountain biking with my mom, I know what I can touch and what I can’t. I enjoy being outside and hiking. Being Self Smart has helped me when I am mad at my sisters. I can control my emotions. I enjoy time spent alone. My multiple intelligence areas of strength are Naturalist and Intrapersonal.

I would like to improve my Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence because I am going to be a runner. Being more Body Smart would help me because I would be doing more activities with my body. My body would be getting stronger and I would be a be able to run faster and longer. I already play five sports and do well, but I with practice I can always improve.   

If I was the president of a country, the most helpful multiple intelligence area would be
interpersonal because I would have to interact with other people to make important decisions. If I was People Smart the people would like my decisions.

In order to live a healthy lifestyle you have to be good at being Body Smart so you know a lot about your body.If you know a lot about your body you will know good signs and bad signs of your body’s health.

MI Theory - Third Grade Enrichment

Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence and Me

Written by Griffin

File:Multiple-intelligence.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

The multiple intelligence areas that I identified as my strongest are Word Smart and Music Smart. I'm good with words but not handwriting! I play two Instruments I play the violin and the piano.

I would like to improve my musical intelligence, even though it is my strongest, because I play two instruments and would like to learn how to play another one, and maybe, even start a garage band.

If I was the president of a country, the most helpful multiple intelligence area would be Intrapersonal because I would have to get people to vote for me. I would also need to be People smart so I can make friends with other countries' leaders.

I think there might be other intelligence areas, they might be Fashion Smart* and Technology Smart. Fashion Smart people would be very good with fashion. Technology Smart people would be good with computers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

*my sister                                      

MI Theory - Third Grade Enrichment Support

Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence and Me

Written by Rielle

File:Multiple-intelligence.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

The multiple intelligence area that I identified as my strongest is verbal linguistic. This intelligence helps me read bigger books, like Lord of the Rings. My interpersonal intelligence is just as strong as my verbal linguistic.  One of the ways I know this is that I can make friends quickly because usually on the first day of school, I make friends right away.

I would like to improve the area of intelligence called Naturalist, or Nature Smart because I want to go camping without having to worry so much about spiders. I don’t know very much about which spiders are poisonous and which ones are not so if I know the difference I won't always freak out when I see them. I enjoy being outside and want to learn more about the natural world.   

In order to live a healthy lifestyle, you would need to be Bodily-Kinestheticsthetic, or Body Smart, because you would be healthy doing fitness. In order to live a healthy lifestyle it would be good to be Nature Smart too, so you would know what foods are healthy and unhealthy and how to grow food.  

I do think there might be other intelligence areas, and one of them may be Imagination Smart,  because you really don’t have to do anything, but sit back and dream. Imagination can basically do anything inside your mind, as long as you believe.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

K'Nex- the possibilities are endless!

Design, Build,

Rowan and Rylee are quite a team when it comes to creating their own versions of Beyblades!  

They are also tough opponents when the battling begins!

Update: Rowan is going to redesign his because Rylee's is winning every battle!

Design, Test, Redesign, Test Again!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Exploration: Volume, Shape and Container

Presented by Dr. Uccellini

5th Grade Enrichment Support Field Trip

In this experiment, the students poured “cups” of colored water into differently shaped containers (graduated cylinders, flasks, vases, etc).  They collected data on the height of the water (in centimeters) for each additional cup poured into the container.  The data was plotted on an x-y axis with the number of cups poured on the X-axis and the height of the water on Y-axis.  For example, the ordered pair (5,7) means that five cups of water were poured into the container and the height of the water was 7 centimeters.
The students were to look for the relationship between the shape of the container and shape of the graph.  Some observations that were made by the students were:

  1.  If the container was wide the level of the water rose slowly. 
  2. If the container was narrow the level of the water rose faster.
  3. In the case of the graduated cylinder, the level of the water rose by the same amount for every additional cup.

The final activity was for the students to draw the graph for cups of water poured into a new container (flower vase) that they did not previously measure.  They then explained how they used their observations from the five different containers that they had previously measured to come up with the graph of the new container.  Measurements for the new container were made and they compared their graphs to the actual graph.

Concepts and Skills

Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning is a type of reasoning which goes from general to specific. Deductive reasoning is based on premises and if the premises are true, then the reasoning will be valid.


-In mathematics, If A = B and B = C, then A = C.

-Since all humans are mortal, and I am a human, then I am mortal.

-All dolphins are mammals, all mammals have kidneys; therefore all dolphins have  kidneys.

-Since all squares are rectangles, and all rectangles have four sides, so all squares have four sides.

Inductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning is a logical process in which multiple premises, all believed true or found true most of the time, are combined to obtain a specific conclusion. Inductive reasoning is often used in applications that involve prediction, forecasting, or behavior.
Every tornado I have ever seen in the United States rotated counterclockwise, and I have seen dozens of them.
We see a tornado in the distance, and we are in the United States.
I conclude that the tornado we see right now must be rotating counterclockwise. 
Graphing on the X and Y axis

Coordinates - A set of two numbers that indicate where a point is on a graph. The first number indicates the x-axis and the second number the y-axis. Other names include ordered pair and numbered pair.

Meter Stick

A meter stick is a meter long, and it will be marked off in decimeters (there are 10 of these per meter), centimeters (10 of these per decimeter and 100 per meter) and millimeters (there are 10 of these per centimeter and 1,000 of these per meter). As the markings get thinner and closer together, they indicate smaller measurements. Usually, decimeters are boldest, followed by centimeters and then millimeters. Decimeters and centimeters will be numbered, but millimeters likely will not.
Place the meter stick against the object you wish to measure. The end of the meter stick that has the lowest numbers (most start with 1 centimeter) should be your beginning point of measurement and will be placed at the end of the object. Note how far up the object extends on the meter stick.

How did Hubble's discovery that the Universe is expanding lead to Georges Lemaitre's Big Bang Theory?

Second Grade
Enrichment Support
Gifted Education 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Enrichment Support Rocks STEAM!


We have a mini-maker space taking shape in Room 31! 

 Enrichment Support students are building a robot that they have lovingly named:

Gizmo Techno Thingamabob

Check back for Gizmo's development!


One of our students, who is especially 
visually and spatially intelligent,
is studying ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and 
the architecture of the pyramids. 

Who we are in hieroglyphs!

Thank you Caiden for translating our names. 

You put the A in STEAM!

Why science experiments are called "experiments."

Experiments are experiences that sometimes go well and sometimes go horribly wrong. Enrichment support 5th graders attempted three experiments yesterday. They did not go well. 

First, we were observing the properties of a candle flame. Then we attempted to blow out the candle and relight it by holding a match in the smoke.  We could not make this happen.  Next, we observed the effect blowing air around a bottle toward the candle had on the flame. 

After working on these experiments and lighting several matches, it started to smell like sulfur and there was a small amount of smoke in the air.  Suddenly we realized that if we continued in the classroom we ran the risk of setting off the fire alarm. That would be horrendous.  

We moved our experiments outside.  No sooner had we sat down to begin our third experiment, one of the students attempted to remove a glass straw from a cork.  It slipped, cracked, and he got a small cut, no bigger than a paper cut, on his thumb.  We moved ourselves to the nurse's office, where his cut was washed, cleaned, and bandaged. 

I am sharing our trials and tribulations because our experiences yesterday proved that experiments do not always go well.  We also learned that safety is paramount, troubleshooting possible issues is imperative and that despite planning sometimes scientific experiments teach unexpected lessons. 

We will not give up!  We will press on, planning, troubleshooting, and being cautious as we explore science this year.  

Service Delivery Model Change

I have a new job! I am no longer an Enrichment Support teacher at Horace Mann and East Pike Elementary Schools. Instead, I am the Gifte...