Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Annabell's Story

Don’t Do That!

Written by Annabelle

There was a boy named Alan.  When he was six years old, he got into stuff that could hurt him.

... sticky adhesive paste cap

One day,  Alan got into the markers in his sister’s room. He drew on the walls, on himself, and he try to eat the markers, too.

... of Sharpie markers.

Fortunately, his sister, Eliza, came into her room and took the markers away from her brother. She got to work cleaning up Alan and her room.

Free Download

Eliza saved Alan from getting sick and a giant medical bill. Mom was happy her little boy was okay.

Mother, Son, Love

Alan is eight now and still get’s in trouble a lot.

Boy, Girl, Face, Portrait, ...

Monday, December 5, 2016

Introduction to K'Nex
Explore, create, build!

Each year enrichment support students in fourth and fifth grade work in teams of for on a challenge for a K'Nex competition at ARIN IU 28.  

Second and third grade are perfect years for exploring how K'Nex pieces work together to create amazingly intricate structures, so that by the time Fourth Grade rolls around these young designers will be K'Nex experts! 

Service Delivery Model Change

I have a new job! I am no longer an Enrichment Support teacher at Horace Mann and East Pike Elementary Schools. Instead, I am the Gifte...