Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Annabell's Story

Don’t Do That!

Written by Annabelle

There was a boy named Alan.  When he was six years old, he got into stuff that could hurt him.

... sticky adhesive paste cap

One day,  Alan got into the markers in his sister’s room. He drew on the walls, on himself, and he try to eat the markers, too.

... of Sharpie markers.

Fortunately, his sister, Eliza, came into her room and took the markers away from her brother. She got to work cleaning up Alan and her room.

Free Download

Eliza saved Alan from getting sick and a giant medical bill. Mom was happy her little boy was okay.

Mother, Son, Love

Alan is eight now and still get’s in trouble a lot.

Boy, Girl, Face, Portrait, ...

Monday, December 5, 2016

Introduction to K'Nex
Explore, create, build!

Each year enrichment support students in fourth and fifth grade work in teams of for on a challenge for a K'Nex competition at ARIN IU 28.  

Second and third grade are perfect years for exploring how K'Nex pieces work together to create amazingly intricate structures, so that by the time Fourth Grade rolls around these young designers will be K'Nex experts! 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Enrichment Support visits the IUP symphony for a production of Peter and the Wolf!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Rowan codes!

Rowan coded "I caught a Pikachu!"

Look at this program!

Congratulations Rowan on your awesome learning and successful program!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Traditional Chinese Translation of 拉布拉多與黃金貴賓犬

labradoodle | Kinjeng Submiter ...Twelve-week-old Goldendoodle ...




物理拉布拉多既有拉布拉多獵犬和貴賓犬的物理特性。這些狗具有1英尺,並在肩9英寸到2英尺的平均高度。其典型的重量範圍磅,50到65歲之間。有三種不同類型的拉布拉多可以具有塗層的,“拉布拉多的頭髮可以是從金屬線制軟的任何地方,並且可以是直的,波浪形,或捲曲。[2] 直被覆拉布拉多據說有”頭髮“外套,波浪狀塗層狗有“羊毛出在羊身上”大衣,捲曲塗層的狗有“羊毛”大衣“。   
有多種顏色的拉布拉多可以有。他們是 焦糖,巧克力,奶油,黃金/杏,羊皮紙,紅,藍,咖啡廳,薰衣草,幻象,漢邦,白堊,黑色和銀色。
在黃金貴賓犬既有黃金獵犬和貴賓犬的物理特性。這些狗具有1英尺8英寸至2英尺高的肩的平均高度。它們的典型重量範圍磅50和90之間。所以你可以看到,黃金貴賓犬可能是一英寸比拉布拉多較短,但近三十磅重了 。“這件外套可以是 黑色, 銅, 白色, 奶油色, 灰色,金色, 杏,或 紅色,儘管黃金似乎是共同的外衣顏色, 白色 往往可以缶次的羽化,以及黃金貴賓犬的被毛往往隨著年齡的增長,以減輕“。有五種顏色的拉布拉多可以擁有黃金貴賓犬不具備的。


拉布拉多在澳大利亞的第一個品種,但黃金貴賓犬首次在北美地區繁殖,然後澳大利亞。無論是混合品種的20世紀90年代初首次育成的目的。沃利Conron是第一個飼養員,使拉布拉多。該Neelands家庭是第一個已知的飼養員滋生黃金貴賓犬。這兩種類型的狗的育種者正試圖使他們由認可品種 美國養犬俱樂部(AKC)的。




真的是沒有這兩種類型的狗相差無幾。黃金貴賓犬可能比拉布拉多重,它們也可以是比拉布拉多短。該拉布拉多的顏色有比黃金貴賓犬的顏色多品種。 “汪汪,汪汪。”這是給你想要的這些混合品種的其中之一,這類型的狗將是最適合你的家人。  


Labradoodles vs. Goldendoodles

Canine Research Report
Labradoodles vs. Goldendoodles
labradoodle | Kinjeng Submiter ... vs. Twelve-week-old Goldendoodle ...
Enrichment Support


“Bark, bark!” Do you want a dog?  What would you rather have a Labradoodle or a Goldendoodle?  In this paper, I will compare and contrast the physical characteristics, history and origin, and temperament of each of these hybrid breeds.  I will also share additional information about these two guide dogs.   


The Labradoodle has physical characteristics of both Labrador Retrievers and Poodles.  These dogs have an average height of 1 foot and 9 inches to 2 feet at the shoulder.  Their typical weight ranges between 50 and 65 pounds.  There are three different types of coats that the Labradoodle can have, “labradoodles' hair can be anywhere from wiry to soft, and may be straight, wavy, or curly.[2] Straight-coated labradoodles are said to have "hair" coats, wavy-coated dogs have "fleece" coats, and curly-coated dogs have "wool" coats.”   
Some of the physical characteristics of a Labradoodle are not predictable.  If you breed two Labradoodles (F2) then the physical characteristics will be more predictable than if you breed a Poodle and a Labrador Retriever (F1).  However, if you are interested in breeding a dog with less genetic problem breed a F1.
There are many colors that Labradoodles can have.  They are caramel, chocolate, cream, gold/apricot, parchment, red, blue, cafe, lavender, phantom, parti, chalk, black, and silver.
The Goldendoodle has physical characteristics of both Golden  Retrievers and Poodles.  These dogs have an average height of 1 foot and 8 inches to 2 feet tall at the shoulder.  Their typical weight ranges between 50 and 90 pounds.  So you can see, Goldendoodles can be one inch shorter but almost  thirty pounds heavier than a Labradoodle. “The coat can be black, copper, white, cream, gray, golden, apricot, or red, although golden seems to be the common coat color. White can often be found on the feathering, and the Goldendoodle's coat tends to lighten with age.”  There are five colors that Labradoodles can have that Goldendoodle don’t have.
Typically, Goldendoodles and Labradoodles are hypoallergenic.  This is good for people that allergic to dogs.  Some of the dogs of these breeds shed more than others and they could make the people who are allergic have a reaction.
It is important to make a good choice about if you are going to get a dog that is an F1 and F2.  If you are allergic to dogs the F2 dogs would be a better choice because their characteristics, such as shedding are more predictable.


Labradoodles were first breed in Australia, but Goldendoodles were first bred in North America and then Australia.  Both of the hybrid breeds were first bred on purpose  in the early 1990s.  Wally Conron was the first breeder to make the Labradoodle.  The Neelands Family was the first known breeder to breed a Goldendoodle. Breeders of both of these types of dogs are trying to make them recognized breeds by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
The temperament of the Goldendoodle and Labradoodle are similar. Their temperament allows them to be good guide dogs and family dogs.  These hybrid breeds are both energetic, friendly, intelligent, and trainable. Due to these characteristics, both the Goldendoodle and Labradoodle are often used as guide dogs and make excellent family dogs.  The characteristic of being energetic is good for guide dogs to have because they can stay with the person they work with and not get tired.  Family dogs that are energetic like to play more than dogs that are lazy.  Playing is something families want to do with their dog.  These dogs are very friendly, this makes them both good guide dogs and family dogs because these dogs don’t bite or hurt anyone.  Due to the fact that these breeds are intelligent they can be trained to do what you command them to do.  These characteristics make Goldendoodles and Labradoodles excellent guide dogs and family dogs.    


There really isn’t much difference between these two types of dogs.  Goldendoodles could be heavier than Labradoodles, and they could also be shorter than Labradoodles. The colors of the Labradoodles have more variety than the colors of the Goldendoodles. “Bark, bark.” It’s up to you which one of these hybrid breeds you want, and which type of dog will be best for your family.  


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Special Thank You to Share!

A third grader made this and gave it to me today.  

My heart is full because it is gifts like this that assure me that I am in the right place doing exactly what I am meant to do!

I am so grateful for the opportunity to share the Google Classroom and Google Apps for Education with the young people at East Pike Elementary School and Horace Mann Elementary School. 

Third graders in the IASD school district will graduate in 2026 well versed in technology and prepared to influence the future!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Minecraft, Architecture ...
Written by Andrew

Do you want to learn about one of the most well known sandbox games?  A sandbox game is a game where you can do almost anything you want to without any rules.  In this sandbox game, you can build anything you want like tree houses, temples, and hotels.  In fact, I have built a hotel myself.  This game is called Minecraft, and I will share facts about the game with  you.

Every day about 998,000 people play Minecraft!  People play from all over the world.  Minecraft is a game for all ages and all types of people.  This game is so fun because you can do and build anything you want.  You do not have to listen to rules or follow instructions.  This game provides a lot of freedom to the player.  

There are two versions of Minecraft.  The first is “creative” and the second is “survival.”  When playing the creative mode players have unlimited blocks and can build anything they want.  Players can also fly in the creative mode.  Conversely, playing in survival mode the player does not have unlimited blocks, you have to chop down trees, break grass to find seeds and dirt, and create tools like a pickaxe to mine iron and stone.  In survival mode there are zombies, creepers, skeletons, and spiders.  These are the monsters that the player has to slay so they can survive. Players can also kill animals to get meat to eat.  When playing in creative mode players use their creativity and imagination to make huge creations.  When playing in survival mode players need to make strategic choices so that they can survive.

Markus Persson made Minecraft.  Markus Persson created Minecraft when he was 30 years old.   Markus was born June 1, 1979 and is 37 years old as of today.  Markus is Swedish and began programing when he was 18.  Markus Persson made Minecraft which is the category with the Kindle Fire, Minecraft PC which is the category with the computer, and the Minecraft gaming console which is the category with the X-Box.  Minecraft PC is the oldest version of Minecraft.  The newest update is update 9.1 on PC.  In 9.1 there are shields, beetroot soup, a potion called dragon’s breath, shulker which turns into chorus fruit, and elitha so you can fly.  Markus Persson also made Metagun, Minigun, and Minecraft.

I hope you learned something about Minecraft.  Hopefully you will be excited and play this sandbox game today!



File:Too-cute-doggone-it-video ...   Dogs   American Eskimo Dog 1.jpg
Written by Kate

There a lot of different kinds of dogs in the world.  Some are big, some are small, but all are different. Every single dog has a set of characteristics and personality.  Dog are lovable, playful, and great friends. Everyone has to love dogs!  There are somethings that are the same for all dogs.  Read to find out what most dogs have in common.

There are about 340 dog breeds in the world.  There are 167 in the United States.  Labradors are the most popular breed in the United States.  

Interestingly, dogs are comforting most of the time when you're with them. They can relieve stress.  You might think that dogs only communicate when they bark but, when dog wag their tails they are talking. We can't hear it.  When dogs wag their tails to the right they are happy.  When they wag their tales to the left they are scared.  Dogs also may get jealous if they see you showing affection toward something or someone else other than them.

Dogs have different years than humans. When a dog is one in human years, it is actually 15 in dog years! So, if the average life of a dog is 11 years they are really 165 in dog years. The oldest dog was 29 in human years, but 319 in dog years.

     The following are some interesting facts about dogs:

  1. A mother dog carries her pups for 60 days before being born.  
  2. The most popular names for dogs are Max and Molly.  
  3. In Switzerland, it is legal for people to eat cat and dog meat.  That is so sad!  
  4. Chocolate is very bad for dogs!  Chocolate will make them sick or even kill them! Do not give your dog chocolate!
  5. Dog may be able to learn over 150 words, for example commands such as, “sit,” “down,” “shake,” and “stand.”
  6. Grownup dogs have 42 teeths.
  7. Dogs can only see the colors black, white, blue and yellow.  They are color blind.  

Dogs can be very different, however they have some characteristics that are the same.  Did you know that dogs can smell about 1,000 to 10 million times better than you. Dog are living things make sure you treat them with respect.

... a shark came back as a dog ...animal, dog, pet ...Mixed-breed dogs have been ...dog puppy pet animal cute ...A dog laying on the floor.


Dog Facts - Animal Planet

10 facts about dogs | Cesar's Way

20 Incredible Dog Facts That Even Cat Lovers Will Enjoy - BarkPost

33 Awesome Facts About Dogs - BuzzFeed

20 Amazing Dog and Puppy Facts - Dogtime

Dog Facts: 63 Facts about Dogs ←FACTSlides→

The Incredibles and The Incredibles 2

The Incredibles and The Incredibles 2?

By Emma and Bella

Open ...
We all love everything Disney. Well, at least we do. Disney shows, Disney movies, Disney World, you name it. But, we especially love Disney movies! To be exact, The Incredibles!!!! Did you notice the extreme cliffhanger at the end of The Incredibles 1? We DEFINITELY did!

At the end of the first Incredibles, the Incredibles were walking out of Dash’s track meet when The Underminer popped out of the ground! Then, the Incredibles put on their masks. That was the end of The Incredibles. I know what you’re thinking, “They can’t just leave us hangin’ like that!” Well, we did a little research and it turns out that you won’t be left hanging’ for that long.

Apparently, they’re coming out with an Incredibles 2 in 2019! It may not directly take off where the last movie ended but, you will still get the full Incredibles experience! The major plot of the movie has not been revealed yet. Despite the secrecy of the movie, they still want to keep the main characters intact and to keep the vibe of the first movie to continue on to the second one while exploring something new.
There have been rumors that Jack-Jack is the villain.  He was so overwhelmed by his powers that he became a villain.  Another rumor is that Dash also might be a/the villain. Dash and Jack-Jack might get into a fight of who’s the better hero. Finally, The Incredibles might fight their old friend, Frozone, because he might be a villain also. He was jealous of Mr. Incredible and wanted the spotlight. So many villains! Who will it be?

What we really want to know is, will it be as good of a movie as the last one? Will Edna Mode, Frozone, Kari McKeen and other beloved characters from the classic Incredibles return? I guess we’ll just have to watch the next movie to find out! So get your tickets ready, in like, three years!  I know that we’ll be first in line for The Incredibles 2!

Here are some reviews from the Incredibles www.commonsensemedia.org :

  Overall- 5 out of 5 stars and ages 7+
  Educational value- 2 out of 5 stars
  Positive messages- 4 out of 5 stars
  Positive role models- 3 out of 5 stars
  Violence & scariness- 3 out of 5 stars
  Parents say- 4 out of 5 stars and ages 6+    
  Kids say - 4 out of 5 stars and ages 7+





Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Enrichment Vocabulary Activity

Farfallina Vocabulary Story
Written by Danny

One day a butterfly recognized his friend.  They fluttered together to school.  But when they got there, they realized their teacher had vanished.  The peered under the desk and found their teacher laying on the floor.

The teacher giggled and said, “I’m just playing a game.  Go to your seats and turn to page 26 in your Math Book.”  They had a math test and went home.

When they went home they snuggled into their love sacks and watched tv.

Service Delivery Model Change

I have a new job! I am no longer an Enrichment Support teacher at Horace Mann and East Pike Elementary Schools. Instead, I am the Gifte...