Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Arbor Clan and The Ancient Tree

The Arbor Clan and The Ancient Tree
Written by Maura

I am a tree.
                                         I just happen to be the same tree      
                            that has hung over this same ancient pool of water
                                   for over a thousand years of time in passing  
                       I am the same tree in which the Arbor clan of meerkats
                                      have stored their nuts and berries                 
and raised their young.
                                                          I provide shelter
                   room for food, water, and a place for all to sleep soundly.
                                               This pool makes me whole.
                                                  And I, mightier than all,
                                                     shall never taste soil
                                                       upon my branches .
                                                      But, knock on wood...
                                              _________   ________   _________
                               ______________          ______    _____________
             _________________                   ______                _________________

Adelie woke up with the sound of the midnight breeze ringing in her ears.  The wind had whispered eerie songs of past fallen branches all through the dark night.  She hastily looked out the window, her breath creating mist on the cold glass.  A shock arose, a triumph proven wrong, for just the day before she had heard the tree's song.  The branches of the tree now lay in the mud at the bottom of the pool.
A glimmer multiplied by a thousand caught her eye, and out from under the many upturned roots came a mob of meerkats.  Adelie looked closer to see that each meerkat had a tiny sack hung on a twig over one shoulder.  Half the meerkats were wearing tiny vests, each a different color. The other half wore shawls.  The older ones wore babushkas. Adelie rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't still dreaming. She looked back, and the meerkats still had on their accessories.  Adelie pulled off her night dress, put on clean clothes and a jacket, but she couldn't find her boots.
“Where are you going my little friends?” Adelie yelled, running to catch up.  
“We are off in search of a new home, for our tree has toppled,” said an old looking meerkat in a red vest.
“Wait, maybe I can help. We could clear the old tree and plant a new tree in its place,” Adelie suggested.   
“And where will we live for the many years it takes to grow?” asked the elderly red vested meerkat.  The mob had stopped to hear the argument.  
“You will live with me. I have plenty of room,” Adelie said.  The rest of the elders formed a huddle to discuss thoughts on the matter.  
“The elders of the Arbor clan of meerkats have agreed to accept your offer but are questioned as to how we are to move the tree,” said the red vested meerkat.  Adelie was delighted!  
“Alright, we will need rope, a hook, and my tractor,” said Adelie.   
“Alright, climb on up,” Adelie said to the meerkats.  The meerkats climbed onto the tractor. Adelie switched the lever, and they all rode to the fallen tree.
“We will need the slick and slimmest of you lot,” said Adelie. A long slim meerkat stepped up.
“Take this rope in your mouth and slide under the tree,” said Adelie. She handed him the rope.  They all met him on the other side of the tree.  Adelie took the rope and hooked it to the tractor on the other side of the tree.  They climbed back onto the tractor and began to pull at the tree.
After about an hour they had managed to move most of the tree to the lumber pile.  Adelie and the mob of meerkats were just about to plant a new seed, when out of the water of the small pool grew a tree sapling.  The sapling planted itself, and all was calm.
“Well, saves us the seed,” said Adelie, and they all went to Adelie's house for the night.
In the morning the all awoke and looked out the window to see, in the place of the fallen tree, a new handsome oak standing taller and wider than the last.  They all rushed outside to gaze upon the new tree's many branches.  Many shouts of “It’s a miracle!” filled the air alongside the smell of new tree and the sight of celebration.
After a picnic lunch, Adelie helped many of them move in.  The hollow was so big that if the doorway had been bigger Adelie could have easily fit inside.  

For the next few weeks, Adelie helped the meerkats pick seeds and berries.  For the rest of their lives, Adelie and the meerkats were friends that could depend upon one another.

Twitter enables Horace Mann and East Pike students to survey students from PA, MI, and TX!

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K’nex Poem
by Mohammad

Turning right to the new K’nex kit,
so new and bright, but not that light,

four friends begin building a car.
They hope it could go quite far!

Mohammad, Ixy, Tori, and Maura
working  twenty-five minutes a day,

                      not changing the direction
of the it’s way.

Now, they built it, big and strong, but turns out it’s way too long!

Next, they try a new motor,
trying to make it slower than a coaster.

At last, the car completes it’s trip,

good thing it didn’t rip!

Biography of Vincent Van Gogh

The Biography of Vincent Van Gogh
By Adria

Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853.  His most famous pieces were “Starry Night” and “Potato Eaters.”  He didn’t take an interest in art until he was about 30 years old.  His art changed according to his life situation. At the age of 38, he gave up painting and started sculpting. He sculpted versions of himself and family members. He had some mental diseases which caused him to do things like eat paint and it did not help that he was living on coffee and rolls due to a lack of money.  At one point he cut his ear off ! Then he lost interest in art completely. He died July 29,1890.  But not from old age, he eventually became so crazy, he shot himself.                                                                                                                                                                               

This is one of his best and most famous pieces,
“Starry Night.”

"Vincent van Gogh - Biography - Painter -" 2011. 14 May. 2015 <>

Student Reflection on Robotics

Robotics Reflection
By Lee

The first day of robotics was when we got to build our robot. My partner was Luca. It took us about 35 minutes to build the robot. After we built the robot we programmed it to sleep and then wake up.

On the second day we programmed our robot to follow a black line. We made it do the tango. During this time I got better at looping (which means making the robot do something until you stop the program).

Once I got better at looping, we programmed the robot to play music and we also put a display on the screen.  The most difficult thing was making it follow the black line.  Some goals for the future are to make the robot go through an obstacle course.  I learned many things doing robotics.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Grateful for my mentor!

I am Grateful for Deb Sorce!

Deb Sorce has been a source of inspiration and support for me this foundational year in the Enrichment Support Department of IASD.  She has been my mentor and become my friend.  Deb is generous of spirit and gives freely of her time, energy, and wisdom.  Deb has been an invaluable resource as I have come to understand my role and responsibilities.  She has taught me procedures, policies, and protocol for all the different aspects of our position.  I appreciate how nonjudgmental she is and that she always listened to me when I had anything to talk about.  She is a role model  for me. I am very grateful to have Deb in my life.  

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Tales of Adventure

Collection of Fictional Narratives
written and illustrated by Horace Mann 4th and 5th Grade Enrichment Support Students

During the Spring of 2014, fourth and fifth grade Enrichment Support students at Horace Mann Elementary school wrote, revised, illustrated, and published fictional narratives in a collection entitled, Tales of Adventure.  We used the services of the student publishing company, to create this collection of short stories.

Blog prompts for students

What are three of the most influence experiences in your life that have shaped your character?
What aspects of your character were influenced by these experiences and how did the experiences impact your character?

What are two of the most important issues in today's world that you care deeply about?  Why are these issues important to you?

What are some ideas that you have about how you could influence the issues that you are passionate about?

Why I Teach

  • Describe yourself as a teacher. What do you teach? How long have you taught?
  • I am a facilitator and role model.  I teach because I love people and learning.  I have been teaching for twelve years.
  • Why did you become a teacher?
  • I became a teacher because it is something I have wanted to do since I was a little girl.  My first class was Gus my polar bear, Julie my cheerleader doll, green baby, and red baby.  I set them up in a neat row in the back of the station wagon on the way home from our summer vacation in MI.  I would teach them their Abc's and numbers.   
  • What's your favorite thing about teaching?
  • My favorite thing about teaching is developing relationships with my students and their families.
  • What are 2 or 3 of the most important things you want students to learn, in general and about your discipline?
  • I want my students to learn how to learn independently, how to research something they are interested in and find the answers to all their questions, and to develop the self awareness of themselves as authors.
  • What do you think makes someone a good teacher?
  • Patience, generosity of spirit, creativity, and the ability to focus on concrete objectives make a good teacher. 
  • What's the best way to motivate students to learn?
  • The best way to motivate students to learn is to find out what they are interested in and give them the tools, time, space, and freedom to discover what interests them.

Online Publishing Student Books

Pictured above are three Enrichment Support second grade students working on creating their narratives for publication.  Nonfiction and fiction texts were created using Google Docs.  Students then transferred their text into the online publishing software called Scripsi.  Students illustrated their texts with photographs and clip art found on the internet or in the program itself.  

Service Delivery Model Change

I have a new job! I am no longer an Enrichment Support teacher at Horace Mann and East Pike Elementary Schools. Instead, I am the Gifte...